Networking Adaptors ,Circuit Switching - Packet Switching


Networking Adaptors ,Circuit Switching - Packet Switching IMAGE

Network adaptors

A network adapter, also known as a network interface card (NIC) or network interface controller, is a hardware component that allows computers, servers or other devices to connect to a network. 

It provides the required physical interface for the device to transmit and receive data over a network. 

Network adapters typically have a unique identifier called a MAC (Media Access Control) address, which is used to distinguish devices on a network. 

They can be integrated into a computer's motherboard or added as an expansion card.

Purpose of Network adaptors

Network adapters are essential for connecting devices to a network, whether it's a local area network (LAN), a wide area network (WAN), or the internet. 

They are used in computers, servers, routers, switches, and various other networked devices.

Types Of Network Adapter

1. Ethernet NIC

2. Wireless NIC

3. Fibre Optic NIC

Functions of Network Adapter

1. Data Link Layer Processing

2. Media Access Control(MAC) Address

3. Packet transmission And Reception

4. Driver And Software Support


In  large networks there can be path from sender to receiver. The technique will decide the best route transmission.

Switching technique is used to connect for making one-to-one communication.

Classification Of Switching

1. Circuit  Switching

2. Message switching

3. Packet Switching

1. Circuit Switching

Circuit  Switching is a methods of communication i which a dedicated communication path or circuit is established b/w two devices for the duration of their conversation.

This circuit remains active even if no actual data is being transmitted, resulting in continuous connection.

Key Features Of Circuit Switching

1. Dedicated Circuit

2. Resource Reservation

3. Connection Establishment

4. Constant Bandwidth

5. Example Usage

6. Inefficiency

7. Scalability Challenges

8. Robustness

2. Message Switching

Message switching is a method of data communication where complete messages or data units are transmitted as a whole from the source to the destination. Unlike packet switching, which breaks data into smaller packets for transmission, message switching sends entire messages from one point to another.

3. Packet Switching

Packet Switching, on the other hand, is a more efficient and flexible method of communication commonly used in modern computer networks, including the Internet. 

Data is divided into smaller packets, each containing a portion of the data, together with source and destination addresses.

Key Features Of Packet Switching

1. Dividing Data

2. Routing

3. Efficiency

4. Robustness

5. Scalability

6. Common Protocols

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