Roles & Responsibilities of an Instructor

image of Roles & Responsibilities of an Instructor

Teacher: A person who works to imparts knowledge in an official institution of formal education being responsible for the overall learning progress of the learners undertaken by him/her.
It would include those teachers in preschools, schools, Colleges and Universities, etc.

Trainer: A person who guides and supports someone in acquiring new physical skills by participating in the physical activities and demonstrating the ways to properly achieve the desired goals in a systematic manner.
A gym trainer, a sports trainer, a dance trainer, etc, are a few examples.

Instructor: A person who provides live interactions to the learners during a learning activity which is a part of the program.
An instructor cannot work without a teacher. Either the instructor can act as a teacher to teach the basic pre-requisites of that activity or there has to be a separate teacher to do that, e.g. in the case of a flight instructor.

Role of an Instructor

Instructor has the following important roles to play in a training institute...

As an Organizer

Organize a training programme: Based on the syllabus provided, the Instructor has to organize the entire training programme by analysing it further.

Prepare training material: Before commencing the course the Instructor has to prepare various kinds of teaching aids like lesson plan, information sheet, training aids, demonstration plan, etc. This requires a lot of preparation.

Conduct a training programme: The main job of a vocational instructor is to conduct training programme, which includes planning, preparation, presentation, testing and evaluation.

Workshop demonstration: For acquiring particular skill there will be certain steps which are to be followed. For example, stitching of a garment, an instructor has to draw the style feature on the chalkboard. Then Instructor has to do the drafting of the same either on the board or on a paper. The paper pattern is marked on the cloth & then cutting is performed. The cut component will be stitched with the help of sewing machine. By attending the demonstration the trainees will learn the entire cutting & stitching procedure.

Attitude Formation: An instructor must motivate and guide to improve the attitude of the trainees towards the training without which they will not be able to acquire the skill which has been taught.

Evaluation & Grading: No training is completed if it is not properly evaluated & graded. The extent of instructional objectives achieved will be known through testing and evaluation. Grading will help the learners to perform better than the previous test. Instructor's efficiency in teaching also will be known by means of evaluation and grading.

As a Manager

Maintenance of tools & equipment: For conducting training various kinds of tools & equipment are required. An instructor has to procure all tools and equipment as per the syllabus & maintain them properly.

Supervise the practical training: During the practical exercise it is very much necessary for the instructor to be present with the trainee. Just by giving the theoretical knowledge to the trainees and then asking them to do practical work is not enough. But the instructor must be physically present to supervise and guide the trainees.

Liaison with the institution: The instructor is the link between administration & the trainees. So Instructor has to inform the administration about the training activity of the trade. At the same time Instructor must also keep the student informed about the instructions issued by the administration.

As a Student

Vocational instructor should always update their knowledge, upgrade their skill with new techniques, depending upon the changes in latest technology.

Responsibilities of an instructor

The various responsibilities towards teaching-learning processes are as follows...

1. Responsibilities towards the learners/trainees

2. Responsibilities towards the administration

3. Responsibilities towards the industries

4. Responsibilities towards the society and nation

5. Responsibilities towards himself/herself

6. Responsibilities towards the profession

7. Responsibilities towards the parents

Responsibility towards the learners trainees

Trainees comes to the institute for training and his aim is to become a competent craftsman. In order to fulfil the aim of trainees the trainer.

• Must guide and instruct them properly and complete the training programme as per the schedule.

• Evaluate the trainees performance and bring the trainee who are below average level to the standard required.

• Develop attitudes and safe working habits of trainees to use the raw materials economically which are given for learning purpose.

• Must cultivate good habits like workshop safety, punctuality, time management, etc.

Responsibility towards the administration

As an Instructor he is the link between the trainees and administration , he should be...

• Loyal and sincere towards the administration.

• Interpreter and communicator of working policies to the trainees and support to the administration.

• Instructor should not waste the material at his disposal.

• Maintain discipline and also report the happening of any incident to the administration.

Responsibility towards the industries

As the industrial establishments are the beneficiaries, the instructor should...

• Suggest changes in training programme for the day-to-day development.

• Keep himself updated about the latest technology, equipment, materials in the industries.

• Keep liaison with industries by field visits and placements, etc.

Responsibility towards the society and nation

Teaching is more than providing skills and knowledge in a particular trade. Such training should also be to develop the society and the benefit of the nation as a whole. For this the instructor can influence the learners as follows...

• Develop a sense of responsibility towards the society.

• Make them realize that when they get something from the society they also have to contribute to the society.

• Building a society is ultimately building a nation. The trainees should develop this sense of building a nation.

Responsibility towards herself/himself

The instructor’s job is a noble one and thrusts him/her with a lot of responsibilities in the course of performing the job.

• He should be sincere and honest towards the profession.

• Take maximum efforts to develop his personality.

• Cultivate pleasant manners.

• Maintain the dignity of the profession.

• Keeping good health and update the knowledge.

• Take interest in teaching.

Responsibility towards the profession

The instructor has to constantly update his knowledge and skill to improve the process of teaching and learning. Improving the process of teaching-learning would mean the following innovative strategies and techniques that would cause significant improvement in the training programmes.

He can do this by...

• adopting positive attitude towards innovative methods.

• understanding the basics and application of outcome of research findings.

• following better and tested new strategies and techniques.

• utilization of self study materials for self improvement.

• identification of various principles and factors that aid productive learning and developing course materials and use them carefully.

Responsibility towards the Parents

As an he should develop proper liaison with trainees and their parents and should has act as a link between them. Therefore, he should...

• keep them informed about the progress and shortcomings of the trainees.

• guide the parents in deciding the future career of the trainees.

Essential traits of a good Instructor

Prerequisites of an instructor

The requisites and prerequisites of an instructor include the ability and qualities of an instructor. Communication skill, subject knowledge, experience are few of those qualities.


The instructor must fulfil certain qualifications required for the post. The qualifications are classified into two types. They are;

1. Essential Qualification

2. Desirable Qualification

Without the necessary above qualifications, one cannot be considered for the post of instructor.

Personality traits of good instructor Habit and Personality

Habits are a voluntary action repeated very often by an individual. Good habits can be developed by way of self- thinking & self-motivation, etc. After forming the habits, firm determination, continuity, practice, encouragement, etc. can develop habits further.

Personality is the influence of one's mental, physical, and emotional interaction with others. It can also be said that personality refers to physical, mental, moral and social values of a person.

Types of personalities

There are two types of personalities...

1. Introvert

2. Extrovert

Introvert: Persons who are reserved, who do not like to mix with others, who like to work alone, who are better in writing than speaking, fond of books, magazines, who do not like self-praise, etc. belong to Introverted personality group.

Extrovert: Those who like to mix freely with people, fluently speaking, friendly not easily embarrassed or harmed are known as extrovert personality.

The people who have both these qualities are called Ambiverted Personality.

Factors influence personality development are...

• Physical           : Appearance, voice, speech, tone.

• Mental             : Intelligence, wisdom, memory, thinking, and reasoning.

• Environmental : Family, relatives, neighbours, society.

• Emotional        : Cheerful, nervous, temper, anxiety.

• Gender/Sex      : Men or women.

• Cultural            : Religion, community.

Personality development

Personality is defined as the enduring personal characteristics of individuals. Personality development is the development of the organised pattern of behaviours and attitudes that makes a person distinctive. Personality development occurs by ongoing interaction of temperament, character and environment.

Qualities of an instructor

Qualities of an instructor can be classified as...

1. Physical Quality

2. Mental Quality

3. Moral Quality

4. Personal Quality

Physical Quality

• Good Health: An instructor can be prompt, regular, enthusiastic, only if he keeps good health.

• Dress and Appearance: An instructor's dress must always be simple and neat. Instructor must avoid attractive dresses which may distract the attention of the learners.

• Voice: An instructor's voice must be clear and audible. It must not be harsh and monotonous.

• Language and Speech: The language of an instructor should be simple and clear, easily understandable. It should not be ornamental and grammatically incorrect. Instructor should develop himself to be a good orator.

Mental Quality

• Knowledge of the subject.

• Knowledge of principles and method of teaching.

• Knowledge of psychology as psychological factor, helps in learning.

Moral Quality

• Justice and impartiality: An instructor must be impartial in handling and dealing with their trainees.

• Self control and will power: Instructor must have good self-control and will power to face the trainees.

• Sympathy and perseverance: Instructor should have sympathy, kindness and immense patience.

Personal Quality

• Leadership: Instructor must have leadership qualities to guide properly and give instruction to the trainees.

• Class control: Controlling the class is also an important factor without which discipline cannot be maintained; when discipline is not maintained we cannot expect desired learning outcome.

• Class manners: His behaviours towards trainees should be very polite and gentle the instructor must avoid addressing them rudely and retrain from insulting them badly.

• Good habits: An instructor must have good habits like punctuality, regularity and honesty, sincerity.

Traits of good instructors

As the teaching is a noble task, an instructor must require the knowledge and skill technique of teaching. Following are the most important factors to be performed by an instructor.

• Has to make the course interesting.
• Has to possess sense of promoting the knowledge and skill.
• Has to encourage trainees participation.
• Admire the interest of the trainees.
• Should be neatly dressed.
• Should be socially flexible.
• Should provide a variety of learning experiences.
• Has a friendly personality.
• Should have sound knowledge of the subject.
• Has a posed (balanced) and business like attitude.
• Shows a great deal of enthusiasm.
• Uses many illustrations
• Has pleasant voice.
• Readily assumes responsibility.
• Has a moderate's honourable view.
• Uses knowledge skill for transfer and application.
• Reasonably strict and maintain discipline.
• Has the teaching material well organized.
• Should be fair in evaluation.
• Has to maintain proper training records.
• Should be punctual.
• Should use tools, materials, and equipment economically.

Characteristics of good Instruction and common defects in Instruction

Characteristics of good instruction

Characteristics of effective teaching are the factors which help trainees to learn. Effective teaching can mean different things in different environments. An instructor must prepare to teach in terms of interest, motivation, and ability. Some of the elements which help to plan and process a training programme in a complete and successful way are as follows. These elements are useful for effective teaching-learning process.

• Need Assessment: Training programme will be planned and organized only if a particular trade has a demand in the industry or by the people of a particular area. Based on the need, positive learning atmosphere must be made.

• Planning: Before teaching, systematic planning must be made based on available resources, raw materials, necessary time for teaching, objectives, methods, etc.

• Preparation: Preparation includes both instructor preparation as well as the learner's preparation. The duration of quality time of teaching depends on clearly stated objectives. If the objectives are not clear, the teaching time may exceed more than the allotted time. The learner's participation can be invited by asking introductory questions and thought-provoking questions. Questions may be asked to link the learner's previous knowledge to the present topic.

• Method: Suitable method of imparting training must be selected. For theory- lecture, lesson plan methods and for practical demonstration methods may be adopted.

• Media: Suitable media and other teaching aids utilized for the purpose of teaching must be selected well in advance. If media is available readily it is good, if not it has to be prepared by the instructor.

• Motivation: Motivation is creating willingness. An instructor must motivate the learners by creating interest and willingness towards learning by explaining the purpose of learning with suitable examples.

• Presentation: Presentation is very important characteristic of effective teaching. Presenting the information should be in sequence, simple to complex to be followed. As per the objectives, the lesson must be presented. Lesson must be taught by associating the present information with the subject or lesson already taught and the learners' previous knowledge. The more the stimulus, the more will be the response. Stimulate the learners by giving examples, showing models, and other visual aids. Use visual aids in the appropriate time.

• Questioning: Questioning is not only at the end of the teaching process, but also adopted at all the stages. Ask questions time to time. Through questioning and interaction, an instructor will understand the trainees' response and can get satisfaction that the learners are grasping what is being taught.

• Evaluation: After teaching, evaluation must be done in order to measure to what extent the instructional objectives are achieved. The performance of the trainees, the success of the training will be known by evaluation of their learning.

• Feedback: Feedback is essential part of teaching-learning activity. The purpose of getting feedback is to help the learners to solve the unsolved problems. Feedback must be received immediately after presenting the lesson. It will also help the trainer for self-evaluation.

Elements of vocational training

Important elements of vocational training are...

1. Knowledge

2. Skill

3. Attitude and Productivity


Knowledge is gaining the information. For acquiring skill, one must have thorough knowledge about the skill. Knowledge is classified in to three types.

1. Must know knowledge: This is essential information or knowledge that is very much necessary to perform the skill, without this it is quite impossible to initiate the work.

2. Should know knowledge: This is additional information or knowledge that will enable the trainees to do their work in a better way.

3. Could know knowledge: This is some more information, but it is required for updating of the individuals. It will also improve the efficiency and productivity.


Skill is an ability or capacity or expertness to perform a particular job. For performing any operation, one must have skill, which is required to be performed in a systematic manner. For example, before stitching of a garment, the cloth should be cut first as per the measurements and then stitched. The skill, which the trainer has, must be transferred to the trainees. Vocational training helps an individual to acquire job related skill. Basic skill comprises of the following factors...

• Accuracy
• Speed
• Workmanship
• Concentration
• Method
• Economy
• Proper attitude
• Technique and
• Coordination


It is a way of thinking, doing, and behaving. In educational term 'attitude' is defined as a learner tendency to evaluate things in proper way. Cultivating of positive attitude towards learning among the trainees is one of the important elements of vocational training. Unless the trainees are ready to learn they tend to lack interest. This state of mind is possible only when the trainees have qualities like initiative, enthusiasm, coordination, punctuality, self-control, willpower, judgment, promptness, speed, understanding, etc. These good qualities of an individual are part of the Attitude. For performing any kind of work, positive attitude towards the work is important.


Productivity is the tendency of making products. It is the amount of output per unit of input by means of man, machine, and materials. After training in vocational skills, a trainee must be able to do job in their related trade to get productivity. Higher productivity can be achieved only with the help of the 'skill and will'.

Common defects in instruction

The instructor must avoid the following common deficiencies...

1. Defects in the personality

2. Inadequate preparation

3. Improper method of presentation

4. Improper evaluation

5. Inadequate human relationship

Defects in the personality

- Instructors unnecessary action while teaching.
- Instructor gets nervous.
- Bad mannerisms.
- Over confidence.
- Lack of interest/ambition.
- Physical defect/lack of mental alertness.
- Lack of manipulation ability.

Inadequate preparation

- The syllabus may not be analyzed properly.
- Not understanding the main objectives of the course.
- Improper planning in preparation and source use of training aids.
- Lack of knowledge in the subject.
- Irrelevant written instruction materials.
- Unable to organize the method of learner involvement.

Improper method of presentation

- Wrong presentation method, starting subject without any introduction motivation etc.
- Wrong method of instruction, the dictation method is the worst for vocational training.
- Not adopting the proper questioning technic.
- Improper use of teaching/training aids.
- Voice such as shouting, murmuring while presenting the subject.
- Irrelevant assignment.

Improper evaluation

- Improper method of evaluation procedure.
- Unfairness in evaluation.
- Inaccuracy in evaluation.
- Partiality.

Inadequate human relationship

- Failure to gauge the standard of the trainees.
- Failure to measure their level of competency, grasping power etc.
- Failure to develop friendly atmosphere.
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