Analysis of Syllabus and Course Construction

Image of Analysis of Syllabus and Course Construction

Job roles, learning out comes and assessment criteria

Job role

Job role defines set of functions that together form a unique employment opportunity in an organization.

Learning outcome

Learning outcomes represent what a learner knows, understands and is able to do on completion of a learning process, and which would be expressed in terms of knowledge, skills and competence.

1. Generic learning outcome

Learning outcomes usually specific more general area of learning.

2. Specific learning outcome

Learning outcomes specific to the trade and must be achievable by student with in the time available.

Assessment criteria

The term assessment criteria specify how the student performance in respect of the trade’s learning outcomes are to be recognized.

Preparation of schedule of instruction

TASK 1: Conduct a group discussion on ‘Designing Training curriculum’

1. Form 5 groups among the trainees (each group 4 trainees)

2. Inform the topic to be discussed ‘Designing Training curriculum’
Following points may be included in the discussion.
    Define curriculum
    Prepare instructional objectives for the topics
    Analyse and organize the topics into effective learning sequences
  Use various methods and techniques of teaching considering the leaner’s individual differences and learning outcome
    Prepare and use appropriate tools and techniques instruction and evaluation

3. Allow 10 minutes to think and make the trainees prepare for the group discussion.
4. Invite the groups one by one and start the discussion
5. Note all the important points discussed by the trainees in the observation table
6. Summarize the outcome of the discussion.

TASK 2: Conduct a group discussion on ‘Analysis of syllabus’

1. Form 5 groups among the trainees (each group 4 trainees)
2. Inform the topic to be discussed ‘analysis of syllabus’
3. Have your trade syllabus. Take a theory or practical syllabus.
4. Allow 10 minutes to think and make the trainees prepare for the group discussion.
5. Invite the groups one by one and start the discussion
6. Note all the important points discussed by the trainees in the observation table
7. Summarize the outcome of the discussion.

Analyzing the Syllabus - Break up of syllabus and schedule of instruction with time duration

Syllabus: A syllabus is usually list of topics to be covered in a course.

An outline of the course called ‘syllabus’ to be prepared in consolation with the trade experts for the development of specific knowledge and skills required by an occupation.

The outline of the course is divided in to three parts.

1. First part

Trainee should deal with a fundamental training course covering generally the one - sixth of the total training period.

2. Second part

Trainee should acquire of an adequate degree of skills, covering generally two thirds of the total training period.

3. Third part

Should deal with the intensive aspects of the practical training. On completion of the extensive practical training course in the training centers, under close guidance and supervision of the trainees. This should cover one sixth period of training. 

Curriculum: Curriculum is defined as the course of study offered by an institution. It systematically describes the goals planned, objectives, and content, learning activities for a specific timeframe, place tools, and evaluation procedures. Curriculum covers all the activities and arrangements made by the institution throughout the academic year to facilitate the learners and the instruction.

Necessity of analyzing syllabus

To weed out unnecessary information.
To concentrate on the essentials of the job.
To teach from simple to complex.
To prepare instructional material
To teach in a logical instructional sequence

Syllabus Analysis: Analyzing a syllabus is important in order to find out the sequence of topics to know what to teach, when to teach and how much to teach.

Method of syllabus analyzation

There are many methods of analyzing the syllabus. The major and vital consideration in selecting the method being the purpose for which training is organized.

A. Job analysis method

If we are training for the satisfactory performance of specific job or if we are imparting on the job, the job analysis method would be a suitable one. By a proper breaking down the job into their different elements which are also called skills or operations and re-arranging the jobs in accordance with the order of difficulty from simple to difficult, an instructional sequence could be obtained. This would be satisfactory starting point. Job here means a completed piece of work (or) work-job as against job for which we get paid or payroll job.

B. Skill analysis method

Another method would be to list all the skills or operations in which proficiency is desired and again re-arrange them according to the order of difficulty and also according to the order of applications. Then select and decide activities or experiences to develop the skills in the order. In any method it has to be borne in mind that it is not the job that is important but the skill developments in the learner. What the job does to the learner is more important that what the learner does to the job.

For analyzing a given syllabus, following steps are to be followed:

Study and understanding the syllabus
Prepare a list of all basic and advanced skill of the trade
Prepare a list of theoretical and practical job to be completed during the course
Arrange the topics from simple to complex dividing into modules and units
Calculate time required to complete the syllabus in hours
Distribute hours for each activity depending upon its complexity
Prepare master schedule
Prepare timetable, monthly schedule and weekly schedule
Prepare instructional material for each lesson

Advantages of syllabus analysis

After analyzing the syllabus, Instructor understands what exactly has to teach, collect proper information and prepare well.
Training materials can be prepared well in advance.
Training programme will be completed within the prescribed time.
Learners can be aware about the teaching activity and get confidence.
It helps to maintain logical and psychological sequence.
The teaching activity proceeds in a definite direction.
It assists in achieving the aim and objectives of the course.
The success of a training programme is assured.

Break up of syllabus and schedule of instruction with time duration.

Break up syllabus is forming the modules with relevant group of skills /area with time duration after analyzing the syllabus. With the split up of syllabus the instructor has to prepare the topics arranged in an order to implement with appropriate date and time allotment for lessons and demonstrations.

ADDIE model of instruction


ADDIE is an instructional systems design (ISD) framework that many instructional designers and training developers use to develop courses.

ADDIE is a project management tool that helps to co-ordinate the various steps in course and instructional design technology.

Instructional design is the systematic approach to the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation of learning materials and activities.

1. Analysis phase

The analysis phase clarifies instructional problems and objectives and identifies the learning environment and learner’s existing knowledge and skills. Questions the analysis phase addresses include...

Who are the learners and what are their characteristics?
What is the desired new behavior?
What types of learning constraints exist?
What are the delivery options?
What are the pedagogical considerations?
What adult learning theory considerations apply?
What is the timeline for project completion?

The process of asking these questions is often part of a needs analysis. During the needs analysis instructional designers (IDs) will determine constraints and resources in order to fine tune their plan of action.

2. Design phase

The design phase deals with learning objectives, assessment instruments, exercises, content, subject matter analysis, lesson planning, and media selection. The design phase should be systematic and specific. Systematic means a logical, orderly method that identifies, develops, and evaluates a set of planned strategies for attaining course content. Specific means execute each element of the instructional design plan with attention to detail. The design phase may involve writing a design document/design proposal or concept and structure note to aid final development.

3. Development phase

In the development phase, instructional designers and developers create and assemble course content described in the design phase. If e-learning is involved, programmers develop or integrate technologies. Designers create storyboards, materials and procedures. The designer reviews and revises the course content according to feedback.

4. Implementation phase

The implementation phase develops procedures for training facilitators and learners. Training facilitators cover the course curriculum, learning outcomes, method of delivery, and testing procedures. Preparation for learners includes training them on new tools (software or hardware) and student registration. Implementation includes evaluation of the design.

5. Evaluation phase

The evaluation phase consists of two aspects: formative and summative. Formative evaluation is present in each stage of the ADDIE process, while summative evaluation is conducted at the end of their course. Donald Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Learning Evaluation are often utilized during this phase of the ADDIE process.
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